Polymer Science and Processing 07: polymers in solution

Описание к видео Polymer Science and Processing 07: polymers in solution

Lecture by Nicolas Vogel. This course is an introduction to polymer science and provides a broad overview over various aspects of polymers, from synthetic methods, via polymer physics and materials properties to processing into products. The overarching aim of the course is to connect molecular properties and chain architecutres of polymers with resulting macroscopic properties.

This chapter focusses on polymer thermodynamics and the behavior of polymer chains in solution. We discuss the conformation a single polymer chain adopts when dissolved in a solvent and use different chain models to refine our understanding. Next, we focus on the behavior of many polymer chains in solution and focus on the solubility of polymers. We apply to famous Flory-Huggins model to compute the entropy of mixing. Finally, we complete the free energy of mixing by computing the enthalpy of mixing. By comparing the results for small molecules and large polymer molecules, we realize that polymers do not dissolve as well as small molecules, and especially are prone to demix in a polymer blend.

Learn more about polymers and other activities in the Vogel group:

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Institute of Particle Technology at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg:

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg:

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