ACL Surgery Rehab - Single Leg Loading at Week 8 | Tim Keeley | Physio REHAB

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Theo is now at week 8 post-operative for an ACL reconstruction and doing great. He is pretty dedicated to the rehab and his knee flexion is over 130° passive. You can see the quads working hard on the single leg exercises that he’s now moving into.

To help him with his step down and single leg squat we de-load him for a week or two. This is because he doesn’t yet have the quad strength or the loading capability to do a full normal Sydney squat at week eight.

Using the squat bar is a great way of improving his confidence and experience into normal range of a single leg squat.

We are also working on trying to improve his range from 130 up to 145° over the next few weeks. To help him with this he needs to do some quads mobility and use the child’s pose stretch to slowly advance his knee flexion each day. I find to get full range early in the day you have to work hard on this exercise and be consistent.

Physio Fitness | Physio Rehab


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