Re-grease the focus system in AI-s Nikkor 24mm 1:2.8____front and back helicoid's

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Re-grease the focus system in AI-s Nikkor 24mm 1:2.8____front and back helicoid's.
I use lighter fluid to clean the helicoid's and then use the "Helimax-XP" grade #1, to re-grease the focus helicoid's.
It help's a lot with the focus because ti feel's buttery but maybe a little too hard to move, so next time I will use the "TRI-FLOW" with PTFE I think it will give a much more softer focus ring.

I just got the very VERY thin helicoid grease #10 from so I will try that sooner, just to see if it work's better or not.


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