Africa 2012 - Africa's Leadership and Social Entrepreneurs Award for Africa 2012

Описание к видео Africa 2012 - Africa's Leadership and Social Entrepreneurs Award for Africa 2012

Improved macroeconomic and political stability, an ongoing resource boom and a growing consumer base put Africa on the brink of a major transformation. What are the priorities for the region's leaders to transform growth into shared opportunities for present and future generations?

- Ali Bongo Ondimba, President of Gabon
- Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, President of Nigeria
- Jakaya M. Kikwete, President of Tanzania
- Meles Zenawi, Prime Minister of Ethiopia

Chaired by

Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

Social Entrepreneurs Award for Africa 2012

Social Entrepreneurs implement innovative solutions to social and environmental problems with financially sustainable models. The Schwab Foundation announces the 2012 African Social Entrepreneurs of the Year working in different sectors and countries across the region.

Presented by

Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum


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