Bringing Light to the Navajo Nation

Описание к видео Bringing Light to the Navajo Nation

15% of families in the Navajo Nation have no access to electricity.

We’re fixing that through our Light Up Navajo Program, a mutual aid initiative that is bringing electricity to all corners of the Navajo Nation - while also providing vast benefits to Los Angeles.

I’m proud to share that, through Light Up Navajo, by the end of 2021 we were able to connect more than 80 Navajo homes to power for the FIRST time!

Just think of that - families that had NO access to running water, electricity and heat can now live with a greater level of comfort.

This mutual aid program didn’t just help bring power to the Navajo Nation; it also equipped more than 40 LADWP line members with invaluable technical skills that will help us in our own transition to 100% renewable energy by 2035.

Special thanks to the women and men of LADWP for their work to bring light to Navajo families. There’s still much work to be done but this is a great start.


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