Warriors Orochi 4 DLC - All-out War! DW Vs. SW (Chaos) | Part 80

Описание к видео Warriors Orochi 4 DLC - All-out War! DW Vs. SW (Chaos) | Part 80

The SW favoritism has never been more apparent than in this stage, where our only option is to play as the SW side. Though to be fair, it hardly matters halfway through the battle. Protip, bring your best characters for this stage or don't even bother if you're playing on Chaos. If you do this on Pandemonium you're just a glutton for punishment.

Anyways, we start on the SW side fighting the strongest and smartest DW characters. All of our allies are engaging in battle against enemies and pretty much everyone needs help. We'll need to surround the castle on both sides with allies before we can progress, so we have to guide our allies forward. As we do so, various enemy troops will ambush us such as calvary, and that can be annoying. Also, pretty much every musou officer is in Hyper Mode.

Lu Bu will appear in Deity from as Tadakatsu nears the gate. This means he'll have his boss attacks, but if you go into this stage, you should bring your best. Which means he'll just get nuked in like 5 seconds due to broken weapon element combinations. Then we'll have to push past more officers to defeat the two commanders, Cao Cao and Zhuge Liang. Defeat them and this will cause the remaining DW officers to retreat.

Now, the stage starts for real. Fire envelops the entire castle and it will drain your HP down to a mere 25%. It will also be FLOODED with monsters. Said monsters will also be powered up into Hyper Mode by Kiyomori and constantly respawn. 3 Fire Wraiths in particular will always be set to travel to your location, so even once you beat them down they can sneak up on you and nuke you with their fire attacks. Those things are likely to kill you even at full HP, so at 25% it's basically instant death. And there can be 3 of them targeting you at once. Frankly, I wish I'd brought a Speed character just so I could have had an easier time escaping those attacks. I probably died 5-10 times on this stage alone. There's also a ton of Cyclopes as well, which can also OHKO you from afar with their ground pound shockwave attacks. So you have to be keenly aware of the location of every monster to make sure you don't die. The best way to prevent them from attacking is to hit them with Normal Magic to stun them. I've also heard Nemea's Lion, the DLC three headed dog Sacred Treasure, can basically OHKO horrors. As much as I despise Slay, I used it here because it's basically mandatory. I still shy away from Absorption, Osmosis, Wrath, and Brilliance so those would probably help a lot here.

So with all that going on we first have to take out a wave of Wraiths. Once we do that we get a checkpoint just before the DW officers return to lend us a hand in fighting off some of the monsters. Hardly matters, as now more Cyclopes appear and we have a few specific ones to target. Once we take those out, then we can go after Kiyomori, who is of course in Hyper Mode as well. He's also surrounded by 3 or 4 Cyclopes. And he has a GIANT Fire Wraith in the back that will try to hit you with its fire magic. Speaking of Fire Wraiths, do not approach Kiyomori before defeating the 3 Fire Wraiths that chase after you. You do not want MORE instant death attacks coming your way, because we are not allowed to just blitz Kiyomori. That would be too easy.

You see, Kiyomori drains HP form the Giant Fire Wraith and will never die so long as it exist. And despite the game saying he "drains" HP from the Giant Fire Wraith, it does not actually lose any HP. However you CANNOT fight the Giant Fire Wraith first. I tried before and it was unkillable, you HAVE to lower Kiyomori's health and let him get healed at least once. Then Fu Xi will appear and do some Mystic shit to let you kill the Giant Fire Wraith. After you do that, THEN you can kill Kiyomori. This makes this whole part the most difficult part of the stage because you have no idea that's how this works until it happens and during it all, you have to dodge horrors and their OHKO AoE attacks, all whilst also dodging Kiyomori who charges straight for you and can kill you with one swing from his S-string, considering you're almost guaranteed to be stuck at 25% HP for the entire second half of the stage.

So...yeah. This is easily the hardest stage in the entire game. The only part that really annoyed me though was the mechanics with Kiyomori and the Giant Fire Wraith however, low HP and managing monster OHKOs doesn't bother me, because you can do it if you're fast and reactive enough. The HP regeneration shenanigans is just unpredictable scripted events. Otherwise, hey, at least this stage provides somewhat of a challenge for those people that use broken weapon combinations.

And with this I am officially done with WO4. I may do a stream at some point as I grind to get the platinum, but I imagine that'll be it for a very long while. I've shown pretty much everything in the game now so I'd say it's about time to move on.


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