Warriors Orochi 4 - Destined to be Destroyed (Hard) | Finale

Описание к видео Warriors Orochi 4 - Destined to be Destroyed (Hard) | Finale

Now for the final battle. It's...on the same stage we just played. Well that's a bit disappointing. But oh well! Time to finish this.

The recommended team for this battle is Guan Yinping, Lu Bu, and Nobunaga. If you play as them then you will have all the bracelet holders on the battlefield at once. Zeus, Yukimura, and Zhao Yun are technically our commanders but we have the likes of Cao Cao and Shingen to actually give orders and direct the army. Our commanders are holding the center and currently surrounded by enemies so we need to help them out ASAP.

You'll notice a lot of phantom officers on the map. This gives us a lot of enemy variety when we would otherwise only have Odin and Loki left to fight, so I'm cool with it. Especially since they only pulled the phantom gimmick once, rather than other games that use it all the damn time. They're littered all around the map, but defeating Wraiths will cause them to disappear. There's 3 Wraiths and they're protected by a generic and a barrier so it'll take some time to do away with them all. Defeating them is also the best way to help our commanders, which are under attack by the phantoms.

Once that's dealt with, our commanders and the rest of our army split up to go after some generics that are holding up a barrier to prevent our entry to Yggdrasil. After doing away with them all, Zeus will be able to open a patch to the tree. All our other officers will hang back, but Yukimura and Zhao Yun will charge in after Odin.

Odin is more buffed up than any other enemy in the game. At my level, he could kill me in less than a second if given the opportunity and indeed I even show my first defeat. He beat me a few times after that, but I eventually managed. He's hard to juggle already because he's a power type, has a fast S-string, and can trigger boss AoE attacks. But he also summons Loki to fight with him, so you're likely to be blind sided if you aren't juggling the both of them. If you're lucky then Zhao Yun and Yukimura may distract one or both of them but you can't rely on it.

Once Loki is defeated, Odin will enter this really bizarre looking stance and do nothing for a while, allowing you to attack him freely. And yes, I thought it was a glitch at first too. It's not, it's intentional. I have no idea why they picked that weird stance. But this is the best time to unload on him. If you don't kill him during that time, he will revive Loki once more. You can kill Loki endlessly to keep creating openings for Odin, or you can just focus on Odin for the entirety of the fight. With maxed out elements, I hear people have been able to kill Odin before Loki even appears so depending on your play style that could very well be the more viable option.

As for me, it took me some doing to take him down. I used Nobunaga to apply an attack buff with his C5, and then primarily used Lu Bu since he can dish out the most damage in this group (if you're not abusing elements, then Nobunaga would easily deal more damage). I spammed his C6 a lot more than I realized because Lu Bu gets a ton of I-frames for that attack, while also hitting a bunch and ending with an elemental triggering shockwave. After a Unity Magic, Lu Bu's musous can be spammed to cause a lot of damage and it let me kill Loki quickly. I don't recommend using musous or the like when Odin is stunned, those should be saved for when he's actively attacking you since those moves give you I-frames. I basically had to be super aggressive and keep up the pressure so Odin got very few chances to actually attack and essentially combo him to death.

And that's that! Beating Odin for good will unlock Shuten Doji, Loki, and Odin all as playable characters.

This is the end of the story, so I'm calling it the finale. There are a few more battles after this, including some DLC battles, so I'm not quite done yet. I also have the remaining weapon videos to upload as well. I also left in the credits completely intact. The song is copyright so I can't monetize this video because of that, but I really enjoyed WO4 so I wanted to show it unmolested.

The story was a bit convoluted at times but I really enjoyed it. It's certainly better than the other WO games, and all of the new characters had more to them than just "this is the new bad guy" which is more than I can say for the likes of Orochi X or Tamamo. They handled the character interaction pretty well with stages that actually focused on a bunch of the Warriors cast interacting together and it feels like everyone got some time to shine. Obviously I have a few gripes and it's no literary masterpiece but for a Warriors game you can tell they put more effort into the story than usual, and I can appreciate that. This story felt like it had arcs to it so even with the exact same number of stages as the original WO3 it felt like it had so much more going on with the plot.

And now I've run out of space, so I'll continue my thoughts on the rest of the game in a later video.


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