July 2024 Mid-Month Update: DANCING ON THE RAZOR'S EDGE

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Most people agree that humanity is in a dangerous position as we stand at the precipice of great changes ahead. July has already brought astonishing twists and turns in the unfolding current events. Although the assassination attempt on Donald Trump was shocking, it was not surprising given the explosive Mars-Uranus conjunction with Algol exact on July 15. The extreme political polarity is a reflection of the astrological tension that continues to push us deeper into uncertainty about the road ahead. Thankfully, there are pockets of clarity and safe havens in front of us this month, even as we continue to fret about the big picture.

Superhero Mars is a major player as it forms a cooperative sextile to imaginative Neptune on July 20, just hours prior to its entry into inquisitive Gemini. We can focus on our highest ideals and take actions, however small, to make our dreams come true. The Capricorn Full Moon on July 21 at 3:17 am PDT packs a powerhouse of potential, and how we use its energy goes a long way to stabilizing our trajectory through the next couple of months. Although a conflictive square between verbose Mercury and electrifying Uranus sparks volatile communications, the cosmos simultaneously gives us the gift of strategic perspective. A Sun-Neptune trine on the same day empowers us to see through the veil of surface illusions while energetic Mars creates a flowing trine with evolutionary Pluto. If we restrain our impulsive reactions and prioritize our long-term goals, we can find a more sustainable way of working toward the world we wish to live in.

The Sun’s shift into lively Leo on July 22 inspires us to step outside our comfort zone in order to express our heartfelt desires. Paradoxically, even lighthearted play can be an essential part of our most serious plans now, because laughter replenishes our souls and rekindles connections. But the Leo Sun’s opposition to shadowy Pluto might place an apparently insurmountable obstacle in our path. Fortunately, facing a problem head-on builds our strength, preparing us for the next steps on our journey. Bold creativity and a resilient spirit can carry us to a brighter place.

Although information flows more reliably once Mercury enters its home sign Virgo on July 25, we must be careful about prematurely judging our progress because fleet-footed Mercury is already slowing down to turn retrograde on August 4. We may feel frustrated if our plans are not unfolding as quickly as we wish, but pushing too hard now is not the answer. Instead, we are wise to continue in a disciplined and determined manner while waiting for the various pieces to fall into place. Again, we gain support from the cosmos as the radiant Sun perfects an opportunistic sextile to Mars on July 25, giving us an extra shot of energy and a boost of confidence. Nevertheless, we still might face a reality check when the Sun runs into a hard aspect with Saturn on July 26, reminding us to meet our responsibilities and fulfill our promises.

The month ends on a potentially high note as mentor Chiron turns retrograde on July 26, followed by a trine from gracious Venus on July 30. We can create positive ripples in the lives of those around us by practicing random acts of kindness. This Venus-Chiron connection enables healing to occur on many levels if we continue to navigate by our moral compass. Thankfully, the Sun’s trine to the North Node of the Moon on July 31 brings us one last round of encouragement. This is an energetically complex month, but it offers us the chance to turn things around if we hold our heads high, avoid overreaction in the present moment, and wait for the most opportune moment to swing into action. Success requires that we balance our logic, however sound it may be, with listening to our hearts.

Think cosmically, act locally.
~Rick Levine

Time Stamps:
0:00:00 Beginning
0:00:18 Greetings
0:00:30 Please Support the Patreon!
0:01:12 Preamble
0:01:39 GOA India Astrology Retreat On November 23rd
0:03:00 July Overview
0:33:40 July 15th
0:35:44 July 16th
0:36:29 July 17th
0:36:53 July 18th - A Big Day
0:44:40 July 19th
0:47:08 July 20th
0:51:00 July 21st - The Full Moon
0:57:05 July 22nd - Sun in Leo
0:59:47 July 23rd
1:01:54 July 24th - A quiet day
1:02:37 July 25th - A Confusing Day
1:07:29 July 26th - A Reality Check
1:09:29 July 27th and 28th
1:10:32 July 29th
1:12:13 July 30th - A Potential Positive End
1:14:39 July 31st
1:15:11 Wind down
1:15:55 Monthly Wrap up
1:17:57 Farewell


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