Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow Walkthrough Part 2: Terminal Drift

Описание к видео Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow Walkthrough Part 2: Terminal Drift

Soon after the mission in Somalia, Gabe returns to IPCA's headquarters in Langley, Virginia to discover that Cordell has ordered the search of the premises due to the suspicion that Lian Xing, who has apparently taken time off for an personal vacation to Cyprus, has either defected from IPCA or is working as an double agent with Cordell proving his suspicion by producing the photos depicting Lian with an unknown man. Declaring IPCA to be compromised, Cordell tells Gabe and Teressa that the agency's activities are suspended until further notice, much to their rage. Powerless to stop Cordell and unable to ascertain where photos depicting Lian and the mysterious man were taken due to being denied access to the incriminating files by Cordell, Gabe decides to return to the site of Mt. St. Helens' sinking in Indian Ocean in order to find the copy of the files concerning Lian which were carried by Cordell's couriers prior to the ship's sinking. In order to gain access to the sunk wreck of the ship, Gabe seeks assistance of ex-SAS operative-turned freelancer named Dane Bishop as he possesses the deep sea salvaging equipment necessary to approach the wreck. However, as Gabe and Bishop reach the ship wreck, they discover its perimeter patrolled by the Russian military divers working for Spetsnaz operative named Kudrenko. Despite both men being ill-equipped for military resistance, Gabe is able to secure the area around the wreck, allowing Bishop to use his submersible to cut open an access point for Gabe in the ship's hull. Once inside, Gabe discovers that more Spetsnaz operatives led by Kudrenko's lieutenant named Sergeyev have infiltrated the interior of the ship and are also looking for the courier files for unknown reasons. Following them into the ship's silo room, Gabe sees Sergeyev securing the courier files from one of the corpses and running off deeper into the ship with Gabe's pursuit of him being sidetracked as Bishop informs him that the ship's still-active nuclear reactor is about to undergo meltdown, forcing Gabe to meet up with Bishop in order for them to shut the reactor down before it destroys the ship. However, as they meet up near the enterance to the reactor core, US Navy reaches the area above the ship wreck and starts to drop depth charges onto the ship for unknown reasons. Regardless, Gabe and Bishop are able to fight their way into the reactor core and shut the reactor down with Bishop leaving the room in order to reach his submarine just before Gabe is attacked by Sergeyev whom he manages to kill after a brief shootout in the reactor core, securing the courier files in the process. Afterwards, Gabe and Bishop return to the area outside of the shipwreck and, after repairing the submarine which was damaged in the bombardment, end up facing another obstacle as they are attacked by the Russian submarine. With Bishop's submarine being completely unprepared for combat, two men end up working together in order to temporarily disable the Russian submarine by luring it into the path of the oncoming depth charges, allowing Gabe to swim up to it and systematically destroy its hydraulic components, ultimately managing to stall it long enough for it to be hit and destroyed by the depth charge, finally allowing Gabe and Bishop to leave the area...

NOTE: As more attentive among my viewers may notice, parts of this episode contain noticable jump cuts and everything was recorded in "Mission Mode". This is caused by third and fourth part of the episode being "stitched on" onto the larger video consisting of first two parts of the episode. I had to resort to this method since an issue (likely caused by PCSX2 emulator) causes the ending portion of the third part of the episode (part in nuclear reactor room and Sergeyev shootout) to bug out either as soon as you enter the room or at some point between entering the room and finishing the shootout/part of the episode. Due to unpredictability of this bug and interconnected nature of the game's campaign in "Story Mode", it was literally impossible to record third and fourth part of the episode at the same time as first and second in campaign, prompting me to turn to Mission Mode so that i could have access to individual parts of the episode which i then recorded separately and stitched together in video editor in order to create an illusion of complete episode in line with the rest of this walkthrough. Rest assured, i'll do my best to record the rest of this game in campaign, but if it won't be possible or if other issues arise within the game, i'll let you know. Thank you for understanding and enjoy the gameplay.


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