Tomás Luis de Victoria "Animam meam dilectam"

Описание к видео Tomás Luis de Victoria "Animam meam dilectam"

Tomás Luis de Victoria
(Ávila, 1548 / Madrid, 1611)

Animam meam dilectam tradidi in manus
iniquorum, et facta est mihi haereditas mea,
sicut leo in silva:
dedit contra me voces adversarius meus,
"Congregamini, et properate ad devorandum illum."
Posuerunt me in deserto solitudinis,
et luxit super me omnis terra:
Quia non est inventus qui me agnosceret,
et faceret bene.

Insurrexerunt in me viri absque misericordia,
et non pepercerunt animae meae.
Quia non est inventus qui me agnosceret,
et faceret bene.

Animam meam dilectam tradidi in manus iniquorum,
et facta est mihi haereditas mea,
sicut leo in silva:
dedit contra me voces adversarius meus,
"Congregamini, et properate ad devorandum illum."
Posuerunt me in deserto solitudinis,
et luxit super me omnis terra:
Quia non est inventus qui me agnosceret,
et faceret bene.

* * * * * * * *

Responsorio de Tinieblas

He entregado mi preciosa vida en manos de gente inicua,
y contra mí se ha revuelto mi heredad,
como un león en la selva:
gritó contra mi tal adversario diciendo:
"Reuníos y devoradle presto."
Me echaron a un desierto de soledad
y toda la tierra lloró por mi:
porque no hubo quien me reconociera
y me hiciera el bien.

Hombres sin piedad se alzaron contra mi
y no perdonaron mi vida.
porque no hubo quien me reconociera
y me hiciera el bien

* * * * * * *

Tenebrae Responsories

The life that I held dear I delivered into the
hands of the unrighteous, and my inheritance
has become for me like a lion in the forest.
My enemy spoke out against me,
"Come, gather together and hasten to
devour him."
They placed me in a wasteland of desolation,
and all the earth mourned for me.
For there was no one who would acknowledge
me or give me help.
Men rose up against me without mercy and
spared not my life.
For there was no one who would acknowledge
me or give me help.
The life that I held dear I delivered into the
hands of the unrighteous, and my inheritance
has become for me like a lion in the forest.
My enemy spoke out against me:
"Come, gather together and haste to
devour him."
They placed me in a wasteland of desolation
and all the earth mourned for me.
For there was no one who would acknowledge
me or give me help.

Performers: The Tallis Scholars
Dir: Peter Phillips


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