MiniVersity: Dollhouse DIY Tips & Tricks

Описание к видео MiniVersity: Dollhouse DIY Tips & Tricks

Welcome to this D. Thomas Miniatures MiniVersity talk led by Sue Conlon from Dubuque, Iowa. Sue builds, renovates and decorates dollhouses and shares her journey on her popular Instagram account "SuesSmallObsession" (Instagram) and here on YouTube where she showcases her progress and what she's learned a long the way. (LINKS BELOW!)

In this lecture, Sue talks about her approach to tackling projects, big and small, and how to go about executing a plan with as little stress as possible. She covers important topics including lighting, tools and planning and provides some of her best tips and tricks when start some of those BIG little projects (hint: start small!).

After completing more than 10 dollhouses, Sue knows a thing or two about DIY dollhousing!

This was super!

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