Nudibranchs in Motion | Wonderful Diving at Tawali Resort Milne Bay | Papua New Guinea 2024 | 4K

Описание к видео Nudibranchs in Motion | Wonderful Diving at Tawali Resort Milne Bay | Papua New Guinea 2024 | 4K

Tawali Dive Resort is one of the major hotspots for underwater macro photography for nudibranchs and other seaslugs and critters in the world. It offers an almost endless variety of marine species, from nudibranchs to marine flatworms, sapsucking seaslugs, headshield seaslugs to living seashells and many more. We have found over 50 different type of Nudibranchs of which 16 were new to us up to this point. In addition Tawali in Milne Bay also has amazing reefs with plenty of fish and other marine life to discover.

Welcome to our dive trip to Milne Bay in Papua New Guinea in January 2024. We stayed nine nights at the wonderful Tawali dive resort and would like to thank the excellent staff and our amazing dive crew Alfred, Albert and captain Charly for this outstanding experience.

Please find all the species names in the video subtitle or in the species list below.

With best regards,
Sandra and Markus

Species list:
02:44 Freckled hawkfish
02:49 False clown anemonefish
02:57 Blue-spotted stingray
03:06 Signal goby
03:43 Messmate pipefish
04:03 Thuridilla gracilis
04:12 Hairy shrimp
04:29 Bluestriped fangblenny
04:49 Chromodoris magnifica
04:57 Slender pipefish
05:06 Orange spotted pipefish
05:17 Spinecheek anemonefish
05:34 Reticulated dascyllus
05:43 Common lionfish
05:52 Striped catfish
06:29 Tube anemone
06:37 Squat anemone shrimp
06:45 Banded pipefish
06:54 Dark knee hermit crab
07:02 Mushroom coral shrimp
07:09 Okenia brunneomaculata
07:25 Goniobranchus preciosus
07:42 Boivin's cowry
07:49 Goniobranchus hintuanensis
08:06 Gymnodoris ceylonica
08:30 Red claw cuapetes shrimp
08:38 Sea star shrimp
08:53 Squat anemone shrimp
09:02 Magnificent anemone shrimp
09:10 Micromelo undatus
09:42 Dragon sea moth
10:14 Goniobranchus fidelis
10:22 Goniobranchus verrieri
10:30 Dancing shrimp
10:37 Stylocheilus longicaudus
11:23 Scalefin anthias
11:39 Bumphead parrotfish
11:56 Ruddy fusilier
12:05 Cheek-lined wrasse
12:13 Orange-finned anemonefish
12:21 Clown anemonefish
12:30 Milne Bay Demoiselle
12:38 Painted spiny lobster
12:46 Ribbon eel
13:20 Pink anemonefish
13:29 Reticulated dascyllus
13:37 Yellowtail fusilier
13:46 Dogtooth tuna
13:54 Longfin bannerfish
14:19 Dwarf hawkfish
15:12 Pteraeolidia semperi
15:22 Flabellina exoptata
15:31 Dermatobranchus rodmani
15:53 Sea spider
16:14 Aplysia parvula
16:34 Flabellina rubrolineata
16:43 Nembrotha cristata
16:53 Roboastra gracilis
17:12 Goniobranchus kuniei
17:53 Caloria indica
18:02 Thuridilla carlsoni
18:10 Bull hydroid crab
18:14 Winged pipefish
18:34 Thuridilla undula
18:43 Thorunna furtiva
18:50 Jorunna funebris
19:12 Ornate ghost pipefish
19:20 Trunk-barred pipefish
19:35 Cyerce nigra
19:43 Skeleton shrimp
20:26 Cyerce elegans
21:01 Elegant crinoid squat lobster
21:12 Anemone hermit crab
21:18 Miamira sinuata
21:53 Elysia pusilla
22:02 Reef decorator crab
22:11 Goniobranchus fabulus
22:19 Peacock-tail anemone shrimp
22:28 Goniobranchus reticulatus
22:37 Polybranchia cf. jannae
22:45 Striped catfish
23:57 Broadclub cuttlefish
25:01 Crocodile flathead
25:08 Day octopus
25:48 Giant moray
25:56 Papuan scorpionfish
26:12 Orange-finned anemonefish
26:20 Red and black anemonefish
27:19 Bicolor blenny
27:53 Sarasvati anemone shrimp
28:02 Soft coral crab
28:19 Sea star shrimp
28:28 Doriprismatica stellata
28:53 Hypselodoris bullockii
29:02 Spotfin lionfish
29:10 Aegires minor
29:19 Halimeda ghost pipefish
29:29 Chromodoris lochi
29:36 Goniobranchus geometricus
29:53 Elysia ornata
30:02 Aegires serenae
30:10 Hyselodoris decorata
30:19 Anker's whip coral shrimp
30:28 Chelidonura inornata
30:36 Chelidonura pallida
30:44 Doriprismatica atromarginata
31:02 Robust ghost pipefish
31:19 Philinopsis gardineri
31:44 Favorinus mirabilis
31:54 Goniobranchus coi
32:02 Ornate ghost pipefish
32:18 Nembrotha kubaryana
32:54 Zigzag cowry
33:02 Pleurolidia juliae
33:18 Chelidonura hirundinia
33:27 Haminoea ovalis
33:35 Emperor shrimp
33:50 Plocamopherus ceylonicus
34:07 Melibe engeli
34:38 Common seahorse
34:54 Hypselodoris tryoni
35:02 White-eyed moray
35:10 Peacock mantis
35:35 Mexichromis multituberculata
35:42 Glossodoris cincta
35:50 Ceratosoma tenue
36:07 Hypselodoris zephyra
36:14 Cyerce bourbonica
36:22 Largescale flounder
36:30 Bristle-tailed filefish
36:39 Longhorn cowfish
36:46 Great barracuda
37:57 Arrowhead crab
38:23 Cone mitre
38:44 Philinopsis ctenophoraphaga
40:09 Whitetip reef shark
40:17 Aegires gardineri
40:33 Grey reef shark
40:41 Bigeye trevally

Chapters in this video:
00:00 Arriving at Tawali Dive Resort
02:30 Check Dive at the House Reef
06:12 Amazing Muck Diving
10:48 Plenty of Fish on the Reef
14:32 Tiny Critters in the Corals
18:55 Beautiful Nudibranchs on Black Sand
22:52 Day Trip to the outer Reef
26:58 Coral Reef Macro Marine Life
32:29 Critters in the black Sand
36:52 Diving on a white sandy Beach
39:03 All the colorful Fishs


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