Amazon Rainforest | Birds and Wildlife at Cristalino Jungle Lodge | Brazil 2023 | Relaxation Video

Описание к видео Amazon Rainforest | Birds and Wildlife at Cristalino Jungle Lodge | Brazil 2023 | Relaxation Video

Relaxing nature video of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. The Southern Amazon is home to an astonishing diversity of birds and wildlife. In only five days we were able to capture over 100 different species of birds, mammals and reptiles. We spotted all five kingfishers present in the area and many macaws, parrots and parakeets. We also came accross the tapir, the giant otter and the white-lipped peccari. High up in the trees we saw white-cheeked spider monkey, brown tufted capuchin and the white-nosed saki. True highlight were the mighty Harpy eagle and the primeval looking Hoatzin.

Welcome to our birding and wildlife expedition in July 2023 to the Cristalino River in the Southern Amazon in Brazil. We stayed five nights at the wonderful Cristalino Jungle Lodge and would like to thank the excellent staff and our amazing guide Roberto for this outstanding experience.

Sit back, relax and enjoy our relaxation video about the Amazon rain forest.

For animal identification, please refer to the video subtitle or to the species list below.

With best regards,
Sandra and Markus

List of species in order of appearance:
01:23 Bare-faced curassow
02:40 Anhinga
02:48 Green ibis
02:56 Neotropic cormorant
03:03 Capped heron
03:11 Green-and-rufous kingfisher
03:34 Harpy eagle
04:35 American pygmy kingfisher
04:43 Amazon kingfisher
04:51 Green kingfisher
05:18 South american tapir
06:01 Southern rough-winged swallow
06:57 Great black-hawk
07:29 Sunbittern
07:45 Swallow tanager
07:52 Rufescent tiger-heron
08:21 White-winged swallow
08:26 Black caracara
08:57 Yellow-billed tern
09:04 Pied lapwing
09:21 Lesser nighthawk
09:29 Ladder-tailed nightjar
09:36 White-winged swallow
09:46 Juvenile great black-hawk
09:52 Smooth-billed ani
10:14 Cramer's eighty-eight
10:16 Common pauraque
10:20 Cuvier's dwarf caiman
10:24 Yacare caiman
10:33 Rufous nightjar
12:03 Blue-and-yellow macaw
12:12 Amazonian trogon
13:27 Rufous-bellied euphonia
13:49 Spangled cotinga
13:58 Black-girdled barbet
14:05 Curl-crested aracari
14:21 Black-faced dacnis
14:29 Variegated flycatcher
14:37 Crowned slaty flycatcher
15:01 Green oropendola
15:33 Blue-and-yellow macaw
15:41 Black-faced dacnis
15:49 Cream-colored woodpecker
15:57 White-eyed parakeet
16:13 Short-crested flycatcher
16:21 White-bellied parrot
16:37 Blue dacnis
16:53 Red-fan parrot
17:17 Silver-beaked tanager
17:25 Black-bellied cuckoo
17:49 Epaulet oriole
17:57 Chestnut-fronted macaw
18:49 Brown tufted capuchin
19:31 Dark-winged trumpeter
20:42 White-lipped peccary
22:02 Plumbeous pigeon
23:40 Amazonian trogon
23:48 Red-headed manakin
24:12 White-nosed saki
25:53 Snow-capped manakin
26:34 White-crowned manakin
27:04 Sepia-capped flycatcher
27:14 Black-spotted bare-eye
27:45 Brown tufted capuchin
27:55 White-winged shrike-tanager
28:16 Brown-winged schiffornis
28:36 Fiery-capped manakin
28:57 Bare-eyed antbird
29:17 Dot-backed antbird
29:38 Spot-winged antshrike
29:48 Buff-throated foliage-gleaner
30:03 Cinereous antshrike
30:29 Red-crowned ant-tanager
31:54 Santarem parakeet
32:47 Red-throated piping-guan
33:04 Ringed woodpecker
33:13 Greater yellow-headed vulture
33:17 Ringed kingfisher
33:30 Striated heron
33:43 Bat falcon
33:54 Amazonian umbrellabird
34:26 Blue-and-yellow macaw
35:14 Hoatzin
36:34 Zigzag heron
36:42 Silvered antbird
37:06 Rufous-tailed jacamar
37:22 Swallow-winged puffbird
37:46 Black vulture
37:54 Anhinga
37:58 Rusty-margined flycatcher
38:02 Gray-lined hawk
38:18 Green-and-rufous kingfisher
38:26 Muscovy duck
38:42 Giant otter
38:58 Neotropic cormorant
39:06 Swallow-tailed kite
41:49 White-cheeked spider monkey
43:01 Chestnut-fronted macaw
43:40 Santarem parakeet
44:10 Black-faced dacnis
44:28 Blue-crowned trogon
44:37 Blue-and-yellow macaw
44:43 White-eyed parakeet
44:57 Swallow tanager
45:07 White-necked jacobin
45:41 White-fringed antwren
45:50 Paradise jacamar
46:42 Yellow-tufted woodpecker
46:47 Black-throated mango
46:56 White-eyed parakeet
47:15 Red-and-green macaw
47:25 Swallow tanager
47:34 Amazonian pygmy-owl
51:32 Red-necked aracari
51:48 Black-girdled barbet
52:09 Red-necked aracari
52:56 Bare-necked fruitcrow
53:13 Spangled cotinga
53:21 Spix's guan
53:54 Double-toothed kite
54:02 Paradise tanager
54:12 Curl-crested aracari
54:45 Gray-headed kite
55:02 Blue-headed parrot
55:18 Scarlet macaw
55:44 Kawall's parrot

Chapters in this video:
0:00 Arriving at the Cristalino Jungle Lodge
2:32 Quest for the Harpy Eagle
5:00 Downstream to the Teles Pires River
10:55 Chip Haven Canopy Tower
18:02 Jungle Walk to the raised Hide
22:18 Secret Garden Hide
30:43 Following the Cristalino River upstream
33:53 Quest for the Hoatzin
39:20 Hiking and Birding in the Forest
43:13 Ted Parker Canopy Tower


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