「ツィゴイネルワイゼン」渡邊香澄 (Zigeunerweisen / Kasumi Watanabe)

Описание к видео 「ツィゴイネルワイゼン」渡邊香澄 (Zigeunerweisen / Kasumi Watanabe)


25絃箏 渡邊香澄 / ピアノ 田村野安
プロデューサー 金野貴明

「Zigeunerweisen」 Pabro de Sarasate / Kasumi Watanabe

I arranged and performed the famous violin song "Zigeunerweisen" on 25 string-koto with Noa Tamura on the piano.
The beginning part is very famous and many people may have heard it at least once.
From the first half to the middle part, the song is played with a melancholy melody and the unique atmosphere of Hungarian folk songs,
and in the second half, the tempo suddenly becomes fast, and a light and gorgeous climax unfolds.
Arranging is a series of challenges, and this time I'm playing with key changes and pressing on the strings more than ever.
It's an unusual combination of instruments, but please enjoy it.

25 string-koto  Kasumi Watanabe / Piano Noa Tamura

「所属レコード会社 / Record Company」


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