Описание к видео Praktis & Gurih! Resep NASI KUNING RICE COOKER AYAM SUWIR SERUNDENG

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*English description is at the bottom section.*

00:00 : intro
01:08 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
01:55 : membuat bumbu halus (blending the spices)
03:10 : membuat nasi kuning (making the Turmeric Rice)
04:12 : membuat ayam suwir serundeng (making Shredded Serundeng Chicken)
06:23 : aduk nasi kuning (mixing the Turmeric Rice)
06:40 : membuat telur dadar (making the omelette)
07:03 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)

#ResepNasiKuning #ResepAyamSuwirSerundeng #ResepDevinaHermawan


Resep Nasi Kuning Rice Cooker (untuk 5-6 porsi)

Bahan bumbu dasar:
5 siung bawang putih
7 siung bawang merah
10 buah kacang mede
20 gr kunyit
3 sdm minyak

Bahan nasi kuning:
500 gr beras
675 ml air
50 ml santan
½ bumbu dasar kuning
1 batang serai
1 iris jahe
1 jempol lengkuas
3 lembar daun salam
4 lembar daun jeruk
1 lembar daun pandan
1 sdt garam
2 sdt kaldu jamur / penyedap
¼ sdt merica

Bahan ayam suwir serundeng:
350 gr dada ayam filet
60 gr kelapa parut
½ bumbu dasar kuning
1 jempol lengkuas
1 batang serai
350 ml air
2 lembar daun salam
4 lembar daun jeruk
20 gr gula merah
½ sdt garam
1 sdt kaldu jamur / penyedap
¼ sdt merica

2 butir telur + ⅛ sdt garam
Bawang goreng

1. Haluskan bawang putih, bawang merah, kunyit, kacang mede, dan minyak dengan blender lalu tumis hingga wangi dan sedikit menggelap, sisihkan
2. Geprek serai, lengkuas dan jahe
3. Masukkan beras, tumisan bumbu kuning, air, dan santan ke dalam rice cooker kemudian aduk rata
4. Masukkan serai, lengkuas, jahe, daun jeruk, daun salam, daun pandan, garam, kaldu jamur, dan merica, masak hingga matang
5. Masak kembali sisa tumisan bumbu lalu masukkan serai, lengkuas, daun salam, dan daun jeruk, tumis sesaat
6. Potong-potong ayam lalu masukkan ke dalam tumisan bumbu kuning, aduk rata
7. Masukkan air, garam, kaldu jamur, merica, dan gula merah, masak hingga ayam matang sekitar 8 menit
8. Sisihkan ayam kemudian suwir-suwir dengan garpu
9. Masukkan kelapa parut ke dalam wajan, masak hingga air menyusut lalu masukkan ayam suwir, masak hingga sedikit kering, sisihkan
10. Kocok telur dengan garam kemudian panaskan sedikit minyak, goreng hingga matang lalu iris
11. Nasi kuning ayam serundeng siap disajikan


Rice Cooker Turmeric Rice Recipe (yield 5-6 servings)

Yellow Spice Mix ingredients:
5 clove garlic
7 pc shallot
10 pc cashew
20 g turmeric
3 tbsp oil

Turmeric Rice ingredients:
500 g rice
675 ml water
50 ml coconut milk
½ of the yellow spice mix
1 pc lemongrass
1 slice ginger
1 thumb galangal
3 pc bay leaf
4 pc kaffir lime leaf
1 pc pandan leaf
1 tsp salt
2 tsp mushroom powder / MSG
¼ tsp pepper

Shredded Serundeng Chicken ingredients:
350 g chicken breast fillet
60 g grated coconut
½ of the yellow spice mix
1 thumb galangal
1 pc lemongrass
350 ml water
2 pc bay leaf
4 pc kaffir lime leaf
20 g palm sugar
½ tsp salt
1 tsp mushroom powder / MSG
¼ tsp pepper

2 pc egg + ⅛ tsp salt
Lemon basil
Fried shallots

1. Blend the garlic, oil, turmeric, cashew, and oil. Sauté until fragrant and a bit dark. Set aside.
2. Pound the lemongrass, galangal, and ginger.
3. Add the rice, yellow spice mix, water, and coconut milk into the rice cooker. Stir well.
4. Add lemongrass, galangal, ginger, lime leaf, bay leaf, pandan leaf, salt, mushroom powder, and pepper. Cook the rice normally.
5. Cook the rest of the yellow spice mix again. Add lemongrass, galangal, bay leaf, and lime leaf. Cook for a moment.
6. Slice the chicken and add into the spice mix. Stir.
7. Add water, salt, mushroom powder, pepper, and palm sugar. Cook until the chicken is done, about 8 minutes.
8. Set the chicken aside, then shred with forks.
9. Add grated coconut into the pan. Cook until the water is reduced, then add shredded chicken. Cook until a bit crisp. Set aside.
10. Beat the eggs with salt. Heat some oil and fry the egg until it’s cooked, then slice it.
11. Serundeng Chicken Rice is ready to serve.


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