Zen Buddhism - Part 5

Описание к видео Zen Buddhism - Part 5

This is part 5 of the “Zen Buddhism” series on Buddhist Books Podcast. In this episode, we’ll be reading Eihei Dōgen’s “Shobogenzo” the chapter entitled “Genjo-Koan” meaning "The Realized Universe" which he wrote in 1233.

Background music during the recital:    • Nada Himalaya by Deuter: Tibetan Sing...  

To download the English translations of the four volumes of Shobogenzo in PDF click here:

Volume 1: https://dogensangha751352837.files.wo...
Volume 2: https://dogensangha751352837.files.wo...
Volume 3: https://dogensangha751352837.files.wo...
Volume 4: https://dogensangha751352837.files.wo...


Buddhist Books Podcast is an approachable, sometimes humorous, series available on YouTube or any podcasting platform. It is a series of videos in which I read the English translations of Buddhist scriptures aloud in English. This project is not affiliated with any organization, lineage, nor group. It is entirely shot, edited, produced, and funded by me (Edward Reib) as a passion project for the purpose of making these source texts of Buddhism, the original scriptures, more widely and freely available to anyone who wants to learn them.

The music in the beginning and end of this and all episodes of this series is from a particular recital of the medieval Japanese translation of The Heart of Great Wisdom Sutra, called Hannya Shingyo, with taiko drum, in a temple in Japan. If you would like to hear that whole recital, it can be found here:    • 法楽太鼓 2 「般若心経~諸真言」 東谷寺 (真言宗豊山派)  

Edward is not a formally ordained Ngakpa, but wears the shawl, with great respect, during these recitations of published Buddhist Scriptures.




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