Zen Buddhism - Part 6

Описание к видео Zen Buddhism - Part 6

This is part 6 of the “Zen Buddhism” series on Buddhist Books Podcast. In this episode, we’ll be reading Eihei Dōgen’s “Shobogenzo” the chapter entitled “Ikka-No-Myoju” meaning "One Bright Pearl" which he wrote in 1238.

Background music during the recital:    • Nada Himalaya by Deuter: Tibetan Sing...  

To download the English translations of the four volumes of Shobogenzo in PDF click here:

Volume 1: https://dogensangha751352837.files.wo...
Volume 2: https://dogensangha751352837.files.wo...
Volume 3: https://dogensangha751352837.files.wo...
Volume 4: https://dogensangha751352837.files.wo...


The music in the beginning and end of this and all episodes of this series is from a particular recital of the medieval Japanese translation of The Heart of Great Wisdom Sutra, called Hannya Shingyo, with taiko drum, in a temple in Japan. If you would like to hear that whole recital, it can be found here:    • 法楽太鼓 2 「般若心経~諸真言」 東谷寺 (真言宗豊山派)  

Edward is not a formally ordained Ngakpa, but wears the shawl, with great respect, during these recitations of published Buddhist Scriptures.




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