Yuzo Toyama: Rhapsody for Orchestra (1960) / Yuzo Toyama & NHK Sym. [1982 Live]

Описание к видео Yuzo Toyama: Rhapsody for Orchestra (1960) / Yuzo Toyama & NHK Sym. [1982 Live]

Yuzo Toyama [外山雄三] (1931~2023, Japan)


Rhapsody for Orchestra

NHK Symphony Orchestra
Yuzo Toyama, conducting
March 20, 1982 Live at NHK Hall

It was composed on an overseas performance tour in 1960 by the NHK Symphony Orchestra, which Toyama himself also conducts. Completed in July of the same year, and premiered at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium in the same month by the NHK Symphony Orchestra conducted by Hiroyuki Iwaki. Japanese folk songs are used as the material, and japanese percussions, such as japanese drums, chanchiki and bongo, are also frequently used.

It takes about 7 minutes. An original composition took about 22 minutes long, but when practiced with NHK Symphony, Hiroyuki Iwaki severely cut it. It was supposed to be unwilling as the composer Toyama, but according to Iwaki, Toyama later said to him "Now if I think about it, thanks to your cut, this piece became a huge hit in a sense" and Iwaki felt so thanksful.

This piece takes ternary form: Prelude - A (Allegro vivo) - B (Adagio) - C (Allegro energico) - Coda. After the prelude with the hyōshigi (Kabuki Blocks), the song "Antagata-dokosa" (Allegro vivo) is played as a main melody and "Soran Bushi" is also played in a countermelody. In addition, the melody of folk songs such as "Tanko-bushi" and "Kushimoto-bushi" appears one after another, and once it gets excited. After it, quieted down, followed by the suzu (japanese sleigh bells), a quiet melody of "Shinano Oiwake" is played by the flute (Adagio). After a weak playing of the suzu, the hyōshigi beats a silence and leads to the melody of "Yagibushi" (Allegro energico), and the excitement rises again. The climax reaches by the harp glissando, and the piece ends with a rhythm of fast tempo.

from Wikipedia in Japanese

(片山杜秀、NYCB-10030『日本作曲家選輯 片山杜秀エディション』解説書より)

「急-緩-急」の三部形式で、 前奏[00:00] - A(Allegro vivo)[00:46] - B(Adagio)[02:27] - C(Allegro energico)[05:08] - コーダ[06:48] の構造を取る。拍子木を主体とする前奏の後、『あんたがたどこさ』(Allegro vivo)をきっかけとして、同曲を主旋律にしながらも対旋律に『ソーラン節』が奏でられる。さらに『炭坑節』、『串本節』といった民謡の旋律が次々と現れて盛り上がると一旦静まり、鈴の音に続いてフルートによる『信濃追分』の静かなメロディーが奏でられる(Adagio)。鈴の弱奏の後、静寂を拍子木が打ち破って『八木節』の旋律が導かれ(Allegro energico)、再び盛り上がりをみせる。ハープのグリッサンドによってクライマックスを迎え、速いリズムによる総奏で終盤を迎えて曲を終える。


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