MST3K - Favorite Moments - Cave Dwellers

Описание к видео MST3K - Favorite Moments - Cave Dwellers

In episode 301 we are back in oily-, well pecked-, strong man with sword and hairy moon boots walking aimlessly around-territory.
In Cave Dwellers (Ator The Invincible) Ator helps a woman rescue her inventor father from a rather pathetic bad guy who only manages to seem menacing because of his rather protruding moustache, which could actually poke an eye out, and ability to prance around making quite idle threats at people.
It should be mentioned that in the quite uninteresting endeavour of saving the old man Ator invents not only the hang glider, but also the worlds first shock and awe bombing..? (Don't get you hopes up. It's actually not as exciting as it sounds.)
You know you're in for something special when both starting and ending credits of a movie show clips from other movies (and this is actually the second of three movies... What?)
Rumour has it that Miles O'Keeffe (or O'Keefe) had quite a good time when he saw this episode.
Anyway, the unsuspecting audience is confronted with amazingly slowly delivered dialogue (you could finish the works of Shakespeare between their cues), one of the longest flashbacks in movie history, handrails, miles of O'Keeffe, the man who invented the wedgie, speedy delivery-guy with quite a package, the risk of acting, a letter opener, caveman rhubarb, plastics, a woman with a childproof cap, growling snakes, a quick trip to Vienna, a horse built out of mud and sticks, Aztec mummy, something dull, The Pillage People, a mime, hire-a-thug, anal retentive snakes, the theory of fist, and a nuclear explosion..?
(Watch out for (growling) snakes!)


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