My Vision For the Supreme Court Bar Association | Presidential Speech : Pradeep Rai, Senior Advocate

Описание к видео My Vision For the Supreme Court Bar Association | Presidential Speech : Pradeep Rai, Senior Advocate

In my Presidential Speech I announced my agenda for the tenure as the President of SCBA. I declared my vision to provide health insurance of Rs. 2 Crore, term insurance of Rs. 1 Crore to each member of the bar, training for Arbitration and Mediation, Housing Scheme and Construction of at least 300 New Chambers at the land allotted near ITO.
I will support and cooperate with the elected Executive Committee, for the needs of our Supreme Court Bar Association.

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Know about-

Mr. Pradeep Rai is a Senior Advocate and former Vice-President of the Supreme Court Bar Association. Mr. Rai has over 26 years of standing at the Bar in the Supreme Court of India, various High Courts, Commissions, Regulatory Bodies and Tribunals. He has an experience in litigation across a wide spectrum of civil, criminal, revenue and constitutional issues. Mr. Rai is the founder of various sub-committees of the Supreme Court Bar Association that includes Grievance Committee, E-Committee, Health Committee, Bar Coordination Committee, Culture Committee and State Sub-Committee.

Office of Pradeep Rai
[email protected]

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