SPRING | GAIA RAGA | Tiny Desk Contest 2024

Описание к видео SPRING | GAIA RAGA | Tiny Desk Contest 2024


based on the Rumi poem "Not a day on any calendar"

Written by Niki Arrowsmith

Niki Arrowsmith: vocals, ukulele
Karsyn Wagner: vocals ​‪@karsynelyse‬
Andy Demos: sitar, drums, alto saxophone
Matthew Trice: keyboard (bass)
RJ Testa: mandolin
Chris J Smith: percussion

Video filmed by by Chris J Smith
Video edited by Jason Caridi ‪@Chziime‬ ‪@caridicreative‬
Sound mixed by Chris J Smith


Spring, and everything outside
Is growing
Even the tall trees
We musn’t leave this place
We say
over the lip of the cup we share

Fall, and everything outside is dying
Even the small bees
We musn’t leave this place
We say
over the lip of the cup we share

My life isn’t mine

If someone were to play music
It would have to be very sweet

Sweet music

We’re drinking wine
But not through lips
We’re sleeping it off
But not in bed

My life isn’t mine


Информация по комментариям в разработке