Lateral Pelvic Tilt: Does it Matter Which Side is Higher?

Описание к видео Lateral Pelvic Tilt: Does it Matter Which Side is Higher?

With a lateral pelvic tilt, does it matter which side is higher. Does it matter if the left side is higher than the right, or if the right side is higher than the left?

From my perspective, not really.
Underneath any lateral pelvic tilt is the left AIC pattern. That's because all humans are designed to be right dominant.

Generally, a pelvic tilt where the right side is higher is normal for a right dominant individual. If you are in the left AIC pattern, it means you are stuck on your right leg. Biomechanically, the right hip should be higher at that point.

If the left hip is higher, it's a bit more concerning because that probably means the individual's body is experiencing more compensation, so there will be more compensation to unwind. But still it really doesn't matter because these individuals are still left AIC patterns.

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