Spedeworth Carnival Night - Wimbledon 1972

Описание к видео Spedeworth Carnival Night - Wimbledon 1972

This is the third in my Trilogy of cine film to Youtube conversions.
Being after dark with the stadium lights for illumination I had to find a special low light cine film to get anything at all, which is why it`s in black & white .
However now it`s 40 years old I think it`s worth showing if only for archive value.
For anyone who never experienced a Spedeworth Carnival Night it`s fairly self explanatory except that this film doesn`t do justice all the hard work which went into these carnival floats and the banter between some of the competitors, with a few flour bombs thrown in just to liven things up, all enjoyed by a large crowd.
Followed by a normal race meeting , in this case Superstox, Stock Cars and Midget cars.
I believe the first such meeting was held in 1968 and then became an annual event but by the 1980`s it seems to have dissappeared altogether.
Maybe someone out there has all the exact facts and figures to share ?
Apologies for the quality but this has been converted from cine film to video then to DVD and now to Youtube.


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