Mercury retrogrades on New Moon in Leo : Search within for your bliss!

Описание к видео Mercury retrogrades on New Moon in Leo : Search within for your bliss!

Mercury retrogrades on New Moon in Leo: Search within for your biss!
Mercury retrogrades on 8/4/24 in its home sign of Virgo and asks you to reconsider how you can improve what you are attempting to achieve. The potent New Moon in Leo occurs early that day and brings ight and levity to this whole process during a month replete wtih many twists and turns.

Venus, the planet of love, money, and value, also enters Virgo on 8/4/24 and brings more of the finecombing energy to this round of Mercury retrograde. There are many planets in mutable signs in August, and we build up to a mutable T-square involving Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. We need to figure what works, and what does not.

I am still offering an Hour Phone Astrology reading for $60, which is recorded. I am also offering 30 minutes for $30. This Special ends on 8/15/24. Please send an email to [email protected], or text (646)386-6509 for questions and to book.


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