Chiron retrogrades in Aries: How do you heal your pain?!

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Chiron retrogrades in Aries: How do you heal your pain?!
Chriron, the Wounded Healer, retrogrades on 7/26/24 at 23 degrees and 27 minutes of the Cardinal fire sign of Aries and speaks back to the legendary pairing of the two traditional malefics -- Saturn, planet of Karma, restrictions, and limitations with Pluto -- planet of Death, demolition, power struggles, manipulation, and fate.

Those two planets met up at the world stage, which is any planet at 0 or 22 degrees of the Cardinal Signs : Aries, Cancer, LIbra, and Capricorn. Chiron stations just a dgree off and defaults back as far as April of 2019 when Pluto retrograded at 23 degrees of Capricorn, and the month in which the big fire occurred at Notre Dame in Paris, which is an incredibly beautiful and historic structure in France and a symbol for the Catholic Church.

Chiron retrograde reminds us that the entire world is wounding and experiencing a form of PTSD from what has happened in the past severals years. We just experienced a heavy Full Moon in Capricorn that met up with Pluto at 0 degrees of Aquarius and reminds us that we need to eliminate any structures or systems in our lives that no longer work in order to make room for the future and for our growth & transformation.

Neptune transits at the final degree of Pisces and of the Zodiac and pronounces those deep seated wounds even further. Take time to reassess where, why, and how you want to move forward and to what goals. Take time to nurture yourself and feel the pain. The Sun opposes Pluto for the very first time, and there are uncomfortable messages, events, and thoughts that come up with this energy and force you to examine what you need to purge to evolve.


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