Everything You Need to Get Started with DUCKS

Описание к видео Everything You Need to Get Started with DUCKS

Everything you need to get started with ducks homestead farm free range coop house orchard farming homesteading. In this episode I review everything you will need to get started with Ducks. I cover feed, water, housing and a bunch of other great tips. Thanks for watching, please remember to hit the LIKE button if you enjoyed the video. #ducks #freerangeducks #duckraising #duckfarming
SUBSCRIBE and help support the channel. And don't forget to drop a comment. It helps us to build this channel into something special. We're transforming this 90 acre property into a self reliant homestead and farm stay vacation rental. We're building infrastructure to accomodate future growth such as barns, duck house, 7 coop chicken house, water hydrants, planting an orchard, building a garden etc. Chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, barn cats and two old english sheepdogs make up our team here at the farm. Please follow along on our journey of transforming this place into something special.


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