Giant poppy peace emblem for Remembrance Day 2023 HD 1080p

Описание к видео Giant poppy peace emblem for Remembrance Day 2023 HD 1080p

The harrowing scenes from across the world’s conflict zones really amplify our hopes for peace.

With this in mind, a huge poppy emblem was created in the sand by multigenerational volunteers, many bringing their own rakes, each adding their personal touch. This simple symbol of remembrance & hope was 90 feet square & took 5 hours to complete. Mostly novices & unknown to each other initially, their simultaneous, cooperative raking produced an organic, life-lived feel. Just like the ordinary lives being impacted across the world. Gathering in the centre with our tools, we made a human poppy head, reflecting our responsibilities in working for peace. Completing it against a backdrop of moody skies, a lovely sunset followed, just as the tide claimed it; perhaps a metaphor for peace possibilities after storms.


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