[SNES] Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals Walkthrough [28] - Dragon Mountain & Most Difficult Trick

Описание к видео [SNES] Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals Walkthrough [28] - Dragon Mountain & Most Difficult Trick

Walkthrough by Bermy

Head south from Chaed to find Dragon Mountain, which contains what I believe are the hardest puzzles in the game.

00:05 - Dragon Mountain
Ignore the first entrance you see and head up the steps on the right. After the first room you will find an arrow of bushes.

You will want to stand where I have the M (for Maxim) here.


Aim left with your fire arrow and shoot the 2 bushes. Then take 4 steps left and 1 step south, placing a bomb after each step. All of the bombs will go off at the same time, unlocking the door that leads to a Sonic Ring. Head up the stairs then head left up another set of stairs. Hook across the gap and get close to the Behemoth without actually fighting it. You want to force it to step on the cracked floor, which will cause a platform to raise. Head south and outside, hooking across and back inside. Go down the steps and follow the path, ignore the 3 monsters surrounding the cracked floor for now. Just south of them is an exit that leads to the Magma Key. Now go back inside and fall down the cracked floor. Head outside, up the first set of steps, then all the way right to find another set of steps and a new door.

Go inside and use your hammer to push the 2 columns north 1 square. Hook onto the right column, then push the left and top right column with the hammer. Hook to the left, then north then to the stake to pick up a Magic Scale, S-Pro Ring and Miracle. Now push the left column down 1, then hook down and right. Using the hammer to push the bottom right column down 1 space before hooking across and to the other stake and heading upstairs. Head south to the next room that has one of the most annoying puzzles in the game.

To clear it, following these movements with "F" meaning face a particular direction and "S" meaning shoot a fire arrow:

1. → ↓ x5 F←S
2. Swing your sword and S
3. ↓ → F↑S
4. ← x4 F↓S
5. Swing your sword and S
6. → x4 F↑S
7. F↓S
8. ← x2 F↓S
9. → x2 F↑S
10. ← ↑ F←S
11. ↓ ← F↑S
12. F↓S
13. → x2 F↑S

Head outside and up the stairs into the next entrance. For now, ignore the wall that wants to be bombed and head down the stairs. Take the left staircase and pick up the S-Mind Ring, Kraken Rock and Angry Room in the room full of monsters. Then go back upstairs and take the right staircase. Down below, take the right path south and hook across. Here you can pick up a Hipower Ring and S.Witch Ring. Now go back up to the door that you need to bomb. You need to set off a sequence of bombs here to open the door, which can be a pain.

To help visualize it, follow these steps, with "B" meaning bomb, beginning with you standing in front of the wall:

1. B
2. ↓ ← B
3. → → B
4. ← ↑ B
5. ← B
6. → B
7. → B
8. ←

(I messed it up twice forgetting to do step 7, which caused the bombs to not cause a chain reaction.)

Inside, head down the steps to the World's Most Difficult Trick, which is really annoying. There are way too many steps to type out for this walkthrough, so I highly recommend just mimicking the steps that I took to complete the puzzle. Note that I am sure there are more efficient ways to doing this and I definitely messed it up about halfway through; but this worked for me this play through. It took me about 4 minutes to complete the puzzle. After you clear it, you are rewarded with a Mega Shield, Holy Robe, Legend Helm and Lizard Blow. This is all really strong gear that you should equip immediately (assuming you don't have better from the Ancient Cave.

When you are done, take the stairs and head right, following the narrow path to pick up a S-Power Ring, S-Myst Ring and Miracle. Cut the nearby push and drop onto the switch to pick up a Hidora Rock. Jump south off these blocks and use the nearby post to hook across. Head up the ladder and hug the left wall going north. There you will find a Gorgon Rock behind a wall that you can bomb. Now go back to the long bridge and walk towards the center, where it will collapse. Take the stairs and then hook across the next couple of gaps. Heal up because there is a strong boss ahead. Keep heading north to find the elder of Chaed. Talk to him and begin the boss fight.

27:09 - Fire Dragon (Boss)
Use your new Lizard Blow and all ice magic (Ice Valk) that you have at your disposal to defeat this dragon. It doesn't hurt too hard, but be sure to keep your HP up like always. The boss will fall soon enough. When done, head north east and follow the narrow platform to pick up a Miracle in the chest before exiting the dungeon.

Head back to Chaed and talk to the elder in the top left house to learn of your next destination. Heal up in the Inn and head out.

Game Name: Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
Platform: SNES
Game Genre: JRPG
Developer(s): Neverland
Publisher(s): Natsume, Inc.


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