146. 豆沙烧饼 - 原来烧饼还可以这样做,既养了眼,又满足了胃

Описание к видео 146. 豆沙烧饼 - 原来烧饼还可以这样做,既养了眼,又满足了胃

200 克面粉,3克酵母,5克糖,105克水,200克红豆沙馅或芝麻。

I have nothing to do and want to make some snacks for my family. I have made biscuits many times. This time I want to change the appearance and find a new feeling. With a little brainstorming, it not only raises the eyes, but also satisfies the stomach, and the family likes it very much. This kind of biscuits is especially suitable for making sweet ones. If you like to try new things like me, you might as well give it a try.
200g Flour,
3g Yeast,
5g Sugar,
105g Water
200G Red Bean Paste or Ground Sesame with Sugar.


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