WFP’s Innovative Supply Chain Solutions

Описание к видео WFP’s Innovative Supply Chain Solutions

The World Food Programme is coming up with innovative supply chain solutions across East and Central Africa to both save and change more lives faster, more efficiently and at lower cost. In terms of innovations, WFP is increasingly bringing in non-profits and the private sector that have a lot of experience to help us do our job better by using innovations to help us deliver against all odds. By partnering with Trademark East Africa for instance, WFP has secured Authorized Economic Operator status, which has slashed the time trucks carrying WFP assistance spend crossing so we have lower transport costs and food assistance much reaches the hungry faster. WFP is also looking at the development of airships to cut costs and reach isolated areas and using machines that provide food to people in need rather than them having to line up for food distributions every month. These are just some of the innovative approaches being considered to keep our competitive edge as the world’s largest humanitarian agency.


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