Vidapool Pool Skimmer

Описание к видео Vidapool Pool Skimmer

Are you tired of emptying out your solar automatic pool skimmer?

Introducing the Vidapool Solar Pool Skimmer! An automatic solar pool skimmer with a gigantic 10-liter debris basket! Yes! The debris basket here is twice the size as the industry average. This means that instead of normally emptying the basket once a week, you'd only have to do it once every two weeks!

However, this is fully SOLAR powered, meaning you can only use this when there is sunlight and enough to charge the battery. There is no option for dc charging and you cannot plug this skimmer in to charge. This means during cloudy and dark days, you will NOT be able to use this skimmer! But if you close your pool off for the winter/fall anyways, that's not a real issue.

You can pick one up on my link below!

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Vidapool Solar Pool Skimmer:


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