WMW tapping drill head restoration(part 1) - GIT4 - and loads of yappin`

Описание к видео WMW tapping drill head restoration(part 1) - GIT4 - and loads of yappin`

I managed to walk the GIT4 head down to the fabshop/stockroom, the GIT4 body is also out of the trunk, along with the mill table, yet those two are currently greased and wrapped in front of the machine shop, rather than in the basement... That said, I have gone and done it, spraining my back in the process... The tapping drill body was not that much of an issue, neither was the mill table, but i was a bit too impatient and rash, which resulted in pain... I really shouldn`t have yanked on the 120kg+ of cast iron from my back, but alas, bemoaning mistakes from the past is as futile as trying to make sense of the modern world, so i refuse to do it...

As expected, the head is cleaning up really nicely - on the outside... The inside on the other hand is a terror of bubbling rust, crystalline rusty slag and crap, along with seized bearings and the rest of the nightmare fuel...

This is mostly a clean-up video and a superficial exploration of the internal damage... I know that the sound quality is not the best, especially when handheld, but for now, it is as it is - i`ll get a proper mic at some point...

I hope you enjoy the sight of the little darling being given some love and care... She has earned it, even if by nothing else than by merit of being this defiled... That gearbox stank to hell and back, oil, water, rust, degraded paint... And it has been languishing in that state for God knows how long... But by the grace of Omnissiah, she was sent unto me, and thus has been spared the terrible fate of being turned into something more modern - after being smashed and smelted down with other pieces of art like herself, only to be re-cast into some cheap piece of shit that is engineered to fall apart if you dare shout too loudly in it`s vicinity...

Until part 2, or whatever is to follow -
I bid thee farewell and wish thee all the best!


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