7 Proven Employee Retention Strategies to Implement in 2024

Описание к видео 7 Proven Employee Retention Strategies to Implement in 2024

How do you avoid your employees quitting their job out of the blue?

While it might seem like a sudden decision to you, your exiting employees have probably been thinking about quitting for a long time.

This means that using targeted interventions over the course of the employee lifespan helps you increase employee retention and prevent your best employees from leaving.

Welcome to Learning Bites! This is the video series for HR professionals who want to expand or refresh their Human Resources knowledge one bite at a time. In this episode, you'll learn about employee retention.

In this episode, you will learn:
- Why employee retention is important
- 7 strategies to improve employee retention
- Why HR professionals make great magicians

Watch the full video to learn how to implement 7 proven strategies that make your employees want to stay at your organization for the long term.

00:00 Introduction
00:00 What is employee retention
00:00 7 strategies to increase employee retention
00:00 Conclusion

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#AIHR #LearningBites #EmployeeRetention


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