What About Patients With COPD? Can They Use Cannabis?

Описание к видео What About Patients With COPD? Can They Use Cannabis?


I have COPD. I don’t want to smoke cannabis. Is there any other way I can take my cannabis medication?

Hi everyone. I’m Dr. Dan Stein, Neurology of Cannabis owner and board-certified neurologist and I’m going to address that common concern today.

In patients who have pulmonary illness like COPD or chronic bronchitis, smoking can be difficult and we don’t recommend that patients with those conditions smoke their cannabis.

That doesn’t mean they can benefit from cannabis therapy. There are several other administration methods that can be useful. One for example are tinctures.

Tinctures are liquid drops that you put under your tongue that get absorbed in the mouth and under the tongue. These tinctures are prepared usually in an alcohol base to promote absorption.

But there are other preparations of tinctures now available, some that have an aqueous or water-based product surrounding the cannabinoid molecules. This emulsification as it’s called can promote absorption.

The bottom line is that liquid drops that are prepared by a regulated grower can be used to promote ingestion of the cannabis therapy in a safe way for patients with pulmonary disease.

Tinctures come in all different types of potency. Different cannabinoid ratios, CBD and THC are also available. As I’ve noted, tinctures that are absorbed in a water molecule can sometimes take effect much faster than the oil-based or alcohol-based tinctures.

So when it comes to choosing your cannabis medicine, if you have pulmonary disorder, fret not. There are other options available, tinctures just being one of them.

You may have your own questions or concerns about cannabis therapy and we are here to address those. So please feel free to call 941-400-1211or email [email protected].

That’s our video for today. Thanks for watching.

Located in beautiful Sarasota, Florida, the offices of Neurology of Cannabis are open to all full-time and seasonal Florida residents exploring medical treatment options with medical marijuana.

Lead physician and Board Certified Neurologist, Daniel P. Stein, M.D. performs all patient examinations and evaluates patient medical records to develop customized and effective treatment plans.

We make the process of qualifying, registering, obtaining, and renewing access to medical marijuana in Florida as easy as possible. At Neurology of Cannabis, we are passionate about the effective use of medical marijuana to transform the health of our patients.

Neurology of Cannabis
5602 Marquesas Circle, Suite 108
Phone: (941) 400-1211
Sarasota, Florida 34233


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