Rayman 1: Part 2: Anguish Lagoon (5/6 Electoon Cages)

Описание к видео Rayman 1: Part 2: Anguish Lagoon (5/6 Electoon Cages)

Let me tell you something about those purple-dressed hunters. They're one of the more annoying enemies of this game. They are somehow completely invincible to your flying punch from their frames of them snickering and aiming their weird gun up until they reel back a bit to tap their feet and polish their gun.

The itself is some Looney Tunes contraption that has a huge mallet come out to swing at you. The weirdest part of this is how the whole thing's hitbox is still tied to just that bullet. So you should be able to overlap the top part of the mallet's swing without it hurting you.

Because of all of this, expect to fool around against these hunters, a lot.
Now for the level, itself.

It's a bit shorter than Pink Plant Woods. All of the Electoon cages are in its first area, but I can't reach all of them, yet, only five.

The main draw of this level is what happens in its second area. You must face the first boss of this game and the first of Mr. Dark's top henchman: Moskito.

This amply-named mosquito guy will try to sting you, so just keep punching him until he loses all of his health. He then collapses to the ground and starts crying over his loss. Rayman, being the nice guy that he is, comforts Moskito, and they quickly become friends.

The third area has Rayman riding Moskito across a lake. You can still punch in this state, but there is a point where Moskito flies really fast and you can only just dodge the enemies and spike fruit you pass by. This area in general is pretty short, and it has some nice music for the ride, too.

The fourth area is a Betilla area where she will grant Rayman his second power: Hanging.

Yes, you read that right. Rayman needed a fairy's power to let him hang from ledges. Yeah...

Sadly, enough, this power won't help me get to the last Electoon cage that's left in this level once I've finished it. I'll have to return to this later, too.


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