Rayman 1: Part 16: Mr. Sax's Hullabaloo (All Electoon Cages)

Описание к видео Rayman 1: Part 16: Mr. Sax's Hullabaloo (All Electoon Cages)

Finally at the last level of Band Land. This one has all 6 of its cages in the first area, so make sure you find all of them before leaving the place.

The second area has you up against Band Land's boss: Mr. Sax, himself, who you've only seen at the end of Allegro Presto. His fight is actually split into two halves, where the first half has you running away from him. You can't hit him with your flying fist, you must instead punch those purple sharp notes. They then turn into blue, girly notes that fly right at Sax for damage. You get to do this several times during the chase, but it doesn't end there.

The third and last area has you face to face against Mr. Sax and whatever health he has left. He'll still try to kill you with those same notes, but he'll also launch big purple bombs at you that either explode into tiny sharp notes, or cover the ground for damage. Just keep making him kiss those blue notes and he'll be singing his swan song for the world.

If you're good enough, since all of the Electoon cages are in the first area, you can just leave the place after getting them all in your first run through this level without having to face Mr. Sax at all. I've seen that happen in a TAS, but I have yet to do this in regular time.

Now with Band Land AND Blue Mountains cleared out, I can finally move on to the fourth region, and the most bizarre one of them all: Picture City!


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