Kirby's Dream Land 2 - Matéria Escura ("Real Dark Matter" orchestral arrangement)

Описание к видео Kirby's Dream Land 2 - Matéria Escura ("Real Dark Matter" orchestral arrangement)

Made as part of The Dream Collection fan mod pack for Rivals of Aether Workshop.

This is a symphonic reinterpretation of the Dark Matter Phase 2 boss battle theme from Kirby's Dream Land 2, plus other Dark Matter-related themes sprinkled around. The chanting in the middle has actual lyrics, and they read as follows:

"Matéria escura
Engajar e assimilar
Devorador de estrelas
O nada a tudo conquistar"

Which translates to...

"Dark matter
Engage and assimilate
Devourer of stars
The nothing conquering the all"

Discord:   / discord  
Twitter:   / nitroanilin  
Facebook:   / no2c6h4nh2   (I only speak in Portuguese there, though)
Youtube: You're literally looking at it right now lol


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