Samayamide, Rukmini Vijayakumar

Описание к видео Samayamide, Rukmini Vijayakumar

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The Raadha Kalpa Dance Company presents:

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Samayamide, is a comical look into life as we know it. We are all engaged in the daily, incessant pursuits of goals, desires and wants, leaving no time for introspection. The Nayika , the lady that the dancer is depicting, is married. She sends her husband away on a trip, as she sheds fake tears, and then goes to Krishna, her lover. She tells Krishna that this is the time to be together as her husband is not in town, trying to convince the annoyed krishna to come and be with her. She says her father-in-law can’t hear, and that once the sun-rises they can no longer be together.

While the lyrics literally reflect infidelity, the idea itself, is more layered. Krishna, represents the supreme consciousness, or the knowledge of the self, which we find no time for, in the pursuit of mundane pleasures. The irony in this metaphor, is that Krishna is represented as a mundane pleasure, in a scene that is easily understood because of it’s closeness to daily life. The pursuit of the self, is not seen as something that is alienated from daily life, it is seen as a part of it. The Padams and Javalis of Bharatanatyam constantly represent this same concept in many different ways, utilising the emotions around romance and love, directed towards the representations of this idea, (Krishna, Muruga, Shiva, Devi) to convey the ideas of the pursuit of Self knowledge.

The layering allows a person to just watch and enjoy the literal story of the humorous situation, or choose to go beyond that layer to a deeper more spiritual understanding.

Raga: Behag
Adi Tala
Composer: Patnam Subramanya Iyer
Language: Telugu

Choreographed and performed by:
Rukmini Vijayakumar

Vivian Ambrose

Album: Anubhava
Produced by: Kalakriya
Vocals: Preethy Mahesh
Released by: Priyadarshini Govind

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