Grand Teton North Ledges - 3rd Descent*

Описание к видео Grand Teton North Ledges - 3rd Descent*

Went looking for a solo adventure and found one!
7.5 hrs breaking trail up the Ford-Stettner route with 2 ropes and gear proved quite effortful.
On the down, I got to mix route finding, anchor building, and "exposure therapy" while making 5 rap anchors and finding 2 pre-made rap anchors for a total of 7 rappels with 2x 60m Radlines (It was a lot of rappelling!). Some of the wildest and steepest rappels I've ever done for sure!
*I didn't actually ski the ledges due to the snow being a bit heavier/wetter than I expected. The upper ledge was in the sun so I was conservative and down climbed it and then decided to just continue rappelling rather than ski and boot back up the lower ledge. Even the Grandstand skied terribly (breakable crust) and I downclimbed a section. Lots of room for improvement on style!
All in all probably one of the most full on days I've had in the mountains, was a really cool experience and I'm psyched to have closed my ski season on this one!


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