Best Supplements for Psoriasis

Описание к видео Best Supplements for Psoriasis

Psoriasis Supplements | 5 Different Supplements for Psoriasis

Fish Oil

Taking 10 g per day of fish oil can help to relieve psoriasis symptoms, says the University of Maryland Medical Center. Several clinical trials have found that taking fish oil supplements can improve skin lesions, as well as reduce redness, scaling and itching related to psoriasis, according to the University of Michigan Health System.

Folic Acid

Taking high amounts of folic acids, such as 20 mg taken four times per day in combination with vitamin C supplements, can significantly improve psoriasis within three to six months.

Fumaric Acid Esters

In the case of studies, preliminary clinical trials and double-blind trials, fumaric acid esters have proven to be effective in treating psoriasis symptoms.

Shark Cartilage

Preliminary medical studies indicate that taking shark cartilage, or chondroitin sulfate, can ease the symptoms of plaque psoriasis.

Vitamin D

Taking vitamin D supplements isn’t usually necessary because prescription medications for treating psoriasis typically contain high doses of this supplement.
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Psoriasis Supplements | 5 Different Supplements for Psoriasis

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