From crisis to recovery: leading your operating system to success

Описание к видео From crisis to recovery: leading your operating system to success

What separates out companies that thrive in a crisis from those that barely survive? What three business behaviors do winning companies integrate? And what do high-performing leaders do to create the conditions for sustainable success? Tune in to hear the answers to these questions, and more, in this webinar by Shlomo Ben-Hur, IMD Professor of Leadership & Organizational Behavior, facilitated by Susan Goldsworthy OLY, IMD Affiliate Professor of Leadership and Organizational Change who work together on IMD’s most senior open leadership program, CLEAR.

Shlomo shared that, by studying past crises, we can learn lessons about the three facts that shape recovery and the three business behaviors exhibited by companies that emerged fitter and healthier than those who stagnated. He then went on to share the results of recent research into the factors that support the creation of a leadership operating system that sets both leaders and the business up for sustainable success.

Listeners will benefit from hearing real-life examples, insights from in-depth research and suggestions for practical actions presented for the road ahead, as we start to rehabilitate our lives and economies after the coronavirus pandemic.

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#IMDImpact #LeadinginTurbulentTimes #Leadership #ShlomoBenHur


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