Cost effectiveness of Frenuloplasty for tight penile frenulum - Dr. Surindher D S A

Описание к видео Cost effectiveness of Frenuloplasty for tight penile frenulum - Dr. Surindher D S A

If you ask whether Frenuloplasty is cost effective than circumcision, they are basically two different procedures. We have to find out the cause and choose the procedure. If the whole of preputial skin which is around the head is tight, then frenuloplasty per se won’t help because the whole of the skin is not going to retract back, in that case, you have to do a circumcision. If the skin is retractable, and only the frenulum is tight, in that case a frenuloplasty can help, but as I said, these are two different procedures for two different indications. So, the proper indication needs to be identified and the appropriate procedure thereafter.


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