Lies My Doctor Told Me | Dr Ken Berry & Graham Phillips | The ProLongevity Podcast - Episode 25

Описание к видео Lies My Doctor Told Me | Dr Ken Berry & Graham Phillips | The ProLongevity Podcast - Episode 25

In this episode of the ProLongevity podcast featuring Dr Ken Berry @KenDBerryMD,  Graham and Ken discuss Ken's book "Lies my Doctor Told Me." They expose numerous medical myths (such as avoiding sunlight) all with the aim of helping you "Live Healthy for Longer"


0:00 - Introduction (Ken's personal journey)
7:00 - Lies My Doctor Told Me
10:00 - You are what you eat
18:00 - Big Food and Big Pharma are killing us slowly
23:17 - Make your doctor think!
30:23 - Is cholesterol really the problem?
34:20 - Is eating less and moving more the way to weight loss?
40:07 - A species-appropriate diet for homo sapiens
45:24 - What does Ken eat ?
54:30 - All calories are not  equal
1:00:00 - The profound link between your diet and your mental health
1:00:17 - Sunlight isn’t bad for you after all
1:10:00 - Conclusion

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This podcast video is brought to you by ProLongevity, the multi-award-winning lifestyle change program that helps reverse and prevent and reverse avoidable killer diseases like Type 2 Diabetes, Strokes, and Hypertension.

Founder of ProLongevity, Graham Phillips discusses the latest controversial yet scientifically proven breakthroughs in understanding how to live healthy for longer. View a range of topics that will offer a new understanding that will help improve your health. From the damage caused to public health, by Big Food and Big Pharma that costs the UK and US Billions, why you can’t just simply run off extra pounds by joining the gym, the connection between the brain and gut, why certain diets don’t always work and can even damage your health.

In each episode, you’ll meet world-renowned experts who fully support ProLongevity. After watching, feel free to reach out to Graham Phillips with any questions or for any advice by contacting him here.

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