All Official 'Air Bomb' Setups | Survival Endless

Описание к видео All Official 'Air Bomb' Setups | Survival Endless

The 'air bomb' setups are a set of 4 basic imp intersection setups meant for beginners. I love these setups because they are a great way to teach the fundamentals of imp intersection and basic rhythms.

These 4 setups were listed in lmintlcx's "Manual Amateur Formations" video where he included 29 different setups including these 4 air bomb setups (lmintlcx is the creator of PvZ Tools). This isn't the origin of these setups but this video is what makes these setups 'official'.
The link to the videos are here: under "生存无尽新手阵型"
There used to be a 29 slide bilibili post by him that had all of the videos but the video's been taken down so now you have to use his website to watch them.

Note: These are called "air bomb" because of a mistranslation sorta. In Chinese, it's called "空拦" which would translate closer to "intersection" but if translated directly, it would translate to "air bomb" hence the name.

Skill standard:
Sequence explanation:

All of these are level 4 on the skill standard.

Air Bomb 6 Cob Sequence: ch4, I-P/PD | I-P/PD ( 18 | 18 )

This is the most complicated of the 4 setups and this is also the one that's played wrong the most. Wave 20 can use an ice if you want to but all of the other waves have to be played the exact same as I played them if you don't want to lose any ices. The imp intersection is very precise when it comes to aiming but the timing is lenient.
This one is either the easiest or the hardest for you depending on your skillset

Air Bomb 16 Cob Sequence: ch6, P/PSD | IP-P/PD | P/PSD | IP-P/PD ( 6 | 12 | 6 | 12 )

I don't really like this one that much because it's the same as air bomb 20 cob except more aids. Wave 10 can be made easier by using umbrella leaves and the gold magnet isn't required obviously. If you plan to play with one twin, make sure the twin is on row 3 so bungees don't try to steal it.

Air Bomb 18 Cob Sequence: P6, P/PD | P/PD | P/PD | P/PD | P/PD | P/PD ( 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 )

This is the easiest air bomb setup by most regards but some people find air bomb 6 cob easier. This doesn't require learning slowed imp intersection and every wave is the same so it's obviously very easy to learn. The original setup was inverted so the imp intersection was on the top but this is slightly harder because you have to aim on row 1 and you can't really see the imps.
If you want to, you can add twins or temporary sunflowers in the pool and on 5-7 and 6-7. You can also move the 5-5 and 6-5 cob to column 6 which allows you to add 2 winter melons on column 5 which is more stable.

NOTE: This is NOT the original air bomb 18 cob formation used in lmintlxc's video. The original formation is here:
I chose not to play this version because the setup is literally identical to air bomb 16 cob. In the video, the only difference is that he played PD/PSD instead of P/PSD but that extra cob isn't even required. The setup would work identically without it.
The other reason is that the air bomb 18 cob I played was made way before lmintlcx's version was made so my version is actually the 'original' version. It's also much easier and usually when you say air bomb 18 cob, people think of my version even on bilibili.

Air Bomb 20 Cob Sequence: ch6, PD/PSD | IP-P/PD | PD/PSD | IP-P/PD ( 6 | 12 | 6 | 12 )

The good version of air bomb 16 cob. Make sure to place your ices carefully so they don't get eaten by imps and make sure to cob early enough so MJs don't kill you.

0:00 - Air Bomb 6 Cob
7:39 - Air Bomb 16 Cob
13:15 - Air Bomb 18 Cob
16:56 - Air Bomb 20 Cob

Original videos-
Air Bomb 6 Cob:    • Air Bomb 6 Cob | Survival Endless  
Air Bomb 18 Cob:    • Air Bomb 18 Cob | Survival Endless  
Air Bomb 16 Cob:    • Air Bomb 16 Cob | Survival Endless  
Air Bomb 20 Cob:    • Air Bomb 20 Cob | Survival Endless  


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