18 Cob Setup【Handcam】| Night Endless

Описание к видео 18 Cob Setup【Handcam】| Night Endless

The 22 cob of night endless. Solution by hydroxyl

This is much more difficult than it looks. This took me at least 8 hours to complete (I'm rusty) and the run is trash

Sequence: Opposite C8u, PPDDcc | IPP-P/ccPD | JPA/Pd(PA/JPd) | PD/ccPdcc | IPPcc-P/ccPD | NS/Nd | BP/Pdcc | IPPcc-P/Pdcc | PD/PSA | PD/Pdcc ( 6 | 13 | 6 | 6 | 13 | 6 | 6 | 13 | 6 | 6+ )
Skill standard: https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv13788392
Sequence explanation: https://pastebin.com/FCnRqCuv
This solution is level 13

This setup has lots of obscure techniques that are hard to understand even to me and there are a lot of things that are much harder than they look.

The main reason this setup is so difficult is because of the doom wave. Playing Nd while killing 3 rows of imps (not 2 like in FE) and while killing them on the bottom half of the setup is practically impossible. The row 3 imp will slither by unless you choose one of three options;
A. use mobile
B. pause
C. you luck out
I'm not hydroxyl so I don't use mobile and I'm not about to pause so I chose option C. Using extreme spawning, there is a 16% chance no imps shoot on row 3 on both doom waves combined. These odds are pretty bad but I had no other choice.
It is theoretically possible to kill the imps every time but the hand speed required is beyond what anyone is capable of right now. At 0:52, I actually managed to kill the row 3 imp but that's because there was only one imp and it happened to shoot very low so the cob timing didn't have to be as precise. If more imps had shot on that row or if that imp had been shot slightly higher, I would have lost.
Edit: People have proved the doom wave is possible manually and some people like remliw are able to do it somewhat consistently but it requires upwards of 9-10 cps burst clicking which I'm not physically capable of so it's still impossible for me.

The cannon fodders in this setup are also very complicated. They're used to stop the pole vaulters on the accelerated waves and they're also used to stall the slowed gigas so they don't shoot their imp. I messed up the pole vaulters at 3:00 because I managed to somehow click in between the card slots.

Reference: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1w94...


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