《台灣追想曲》Capriccio Taiwan|蘇文慶 曲|指揮/劉江濱

Описание к видео 《台灣追想曲》Capriccio Taiwan|蘇文慶 曲|指揮/劉江濱

場次|以聲作則 — 2022竹塹國樂節


A. 序奏—自由板:以笛子悠提的音色,引導出思鄉情懷的意境。

B. 主題旋律—如歌的行板:由二胡擔任主奏,轉調後以管樂組擔任主奏,描繪出臺灣是個好山好水的地方。

C. 快版:以打擊樂器特有的音響色彩,運用切分音等節奏變化,烘托出熱鬧的氣氛,並搭配著樂團演奏,前段音樂有著歡樂愉快的心情,富舞蹈性的旋律與節奏。後段音樂,運用力度上的變化和音符音形的跳動轉折以及拍號的轉換等,象徵著臺灣社會在發展過程中,所遭遇到的許多困境。

D. 主題再現—行板:樂團以磅礡的聲響氣勢,歌頌著美麗的故鄉。

E. 尾奏—急板:快板的主題動機重現,在熱鬧喜悅中結束本曲。


"Capriccio Taiwan"
Composer|Su Wen-Cheng
Conductor|Liu Chiang-Pin
Concert|Lead by the sound of HCYCO - 2022 Hsinchu Chinese Music Festival
Venue|Hsinchu Performing Arts Center, Taiwan

The original version of this piece was written in San Francisco for the Taiwan Music
Competition (Chinese music ensemble set piece) in 1997. It underwent a revision in
September 2000 and was since named Capriccio Taiwan. This piece consists of five sections:

A. The prelude. The dizi’s melodious tone conjures sentiments of homesickness.

B. The main theme. This cantabile (songlike) andante is played by the Erhu solo. After a key modulation, the wind section takes over and paints a beautiful and scenic Taiwan.

C. Allegro. The composer makes uses of the distinctive sound and colours of the percussion, and rhythmic syncopation to portray a bustling atmosphere, which is supported by the full orchestra. The early part of this section has a cheerful and lively dance-like melody and rhythm. The later part of this section varies dynamically with note and beat transformation depicting the many challenges Taiwanese society faced in the course of its development.

D. Andante. The main theme returns. The orchestra sings of the beauty of home with a pounding sonic momentum.

E. finale – Presto. The theme of the earlier allegro section recapitulates; bringing the music to a lively and joyous end.

Translation: Singapore Chinese Orchestra


This is the performance by “Hsinchu City Youth Chinese Orchestra”, Taiwan. Join us and subscribe for more videos.


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#台灣追想曲 #蘇文慶 #2022竹塹國樂節 #HCYCO


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