Schola Cantorum de Venezuela - Building Through Singing

Описание к видео Schola Cantorum de Venezuela - Building Through Singing

The Schola Cantorum de Venezuela Foundation is a non-profit cultural institution. Its main goal is to disseminate choral singing in Venezuela and Latin America with excellence, innovation and high social commitment.

For over four decades, the FSCV has been consolidating a solid System to Train Conductors and Choristers, in which pedagogy, research and dissemination of choral singing with a Latin American vocation, a multiplying impact and global projection constitute the core of its action.

Through the "Building through Singing" project, the FSCV promote to concept on choral singing as a model of inclusion that strengthens the social network and feeds the virtuous circle of coexistence and collective well-being.

This video was posted with permission of Maria Guinand and the Schola Cantorum de Venezuela Foundation.


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