Zombies Ate My Neighbors 100% Speedrun

Описание к видео Zombies Ate My Neighbors 100% Speedrun

Run is on Nintendo Switch.
Much of the run was based off of philive's latest run. There are many adjustments, but I list some of the changes that may need explanation here.
Level 1: This version of the game always starts on the same frame. I have to wait at the beginning for a couple seconds to time the bazooka drop. There may be earlier bazooka drops, but this is the only one I can get consistently.
Level 14: Near the end, I despawn a zombie which is why there is some backtracking. I take damage at the end while the door is opening as I plan to lose a life on the following level anyway.
Level 15: I place a clown before using a bazooka on the house with the teacher to prevent the recoil from forcing me to jump into the water.
Level 17: The recoil from the bazooka when going back up to get the teacher is enough to despawn a spider. Near the end, getting the baby before the explorer despawns a doll.
Level 18: The pool guy is not loaded in when the blue potion is used so the squidmen jump to Zeke instead.
Level 22b: I have to wait for the tourists to transform before moving upward.
Level 27: From what I can tell, only 3 werewolves can be loaded at any given time. I use a clown to keep 2 of the werewolves at the top of the map. This gives a consistent way to save the last neighbor without waiting to collect the werewolves at the end.
Level 28: The same trick as in 27 is used. Instead of using zombies to take up the sprite count, I store the two werewolves that consistently spawn on the right side of the map. If the tourists were to transform, there would be 4 werewolves but this is not allowed by the game.
Level 32: An ant next to the explorer is despawned after leaving the house.
Level 33b: The pandora's boxes kill mummies that are just off screen that would otherwise end the run.
Level 35: A squidman next to pool guy is despawned near the beginning. This allows going to the trampoline before using the blue potion.
Level 37: Clowns placed at the beginning of the level stores zombies that spawn immediately. This makes it consistently safe to get the cheerleader (neighbor #6) without waiting to collect the enemies later.
Level 38: This route allows the level to be completed without jumping into the water. Luckily the squidman did not attack the tourists at the end.
Level 39: The death on this level was a mistake.
Level 40: Holding down-right at the start allows you to pick up the bazookas without the soda. At the end, I planned on despawning the mummy. However this allowed a squidman to appear which luckily misses the explorer. Ideally I should have stored an additional enemy with the clowns.
Level 44: This route allows the level to be completed without jumping into the water.
Level 46/47/48: I get all the skeleton keys on 46 and kill two snakeoids on 47. This gives enough keys to go directly into the Dr. Tongue fight on 48 which prevents a large amount of backtracking. I avoid the key at the beginning of 48 because grabbing it requires triggering the vampire which ends up losing time. Ideally, you could skip a skeleton key on 46, but kill all three snakeoids on 48. I can't do this consistently + quickly though.


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