Disney's Frozen - Libere ("Let It Go" in Latin)

Описание к видео Disney's Frozen - Libere ("Let It Go" in Latin)

My original fandub is blocked in the US and several other countries, so in order for this song to continue being available as widely as possible, I had to improvise with this sing-along video.

NOTE: The macrons that should be on the respective first vowels in "rēgulīs" and "cōgitātō" slipped by me in video editing, but both are included in the below reprint of the complete lyrics.


Prīmā vice descriptiōnem latīnē scrībō! Hoc carmen est adaptātiō latīna carminis "Let It Go" ex filmō Disnēiānō "Gelāta" (vel "Hiemis Rēgīna")! Spērō ut vōbīs placeat! Iūdicium ūtile (quōmodō dīcitur "constructive critique"?) bene accipiētur.


Hāc nocte nix in monte splendet
Sine quīdem vestīgiō,
Et sōlitūdinis regnī
Mē rēgīnam inveniō.

Hic ventus fremit ut interna tempestās.
Quamquam latuerim, vīcit vēritās.

Mē hortantur illī tamen
Ut eandem quae sum occultem,
Sed repenter sapiunt omnēs
Quid sit in mē!

Līberē, līberē
Exsolvenda exsolvō.
Līberē, līberē
Nunc illīs tergum vertō.
Quid dīcant
Mī nīl est vērē.
Pergat tempestās,
Nam numquam vexāvit hoc frīgus mē.

Distantiā hāc tam parvae
Videntur rēs omnēs.
Metūs quī mē constringēbant
Nōn attingunt haud mē.

Iam hōra est explorandī
Et terminōs sīc temptandī.
Ab rēgulīs mē līberō.

Līberē, līberē
Tunc ventus caelumque fiō.
Līberē, līberē
Plōrāre dēsistō.
Firmē stō,
Mansūra hīc.
Pergat tempestās!

In terram tandem potestātem diffundō.
Me' anim' ascendit ut spīra in āer' ergō.
Capior repenter sōlō cōgitātō hōc:
Ad id praeteritum
Numquam haud redībō.

Līberē, līberē
Hīc surgam ut oriēns sōl.
Līberē, līberē
Perfectiōnem spernō.
Et sub diēī
Lūce stō firmē.
Pergat tempestās,
Nam numquam vexāvit hoc frīgus mē.


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