Taylor visits Ridge at home Post Attack-Tridge Restoration

Описание к видео Taylor visits Ridge at home Post Attack-Tridge Restoration

Taylor visits Ridge at home the next morning after Ridge was attacked in Pierre's parking lot and taken to the hospital.

Clip notes: The prominence of windows and the door from the beginning. The door is in their kiss shot with Ridge's hand on the door at 2:41. There is no dialogue for almost 90 seconds for Ridge from 4:11. From 5:11, the silence with Taylor carrying the first aid to the bed is directed well. The minimum dialogue and outright silence is Bill Bell Sr's stamp. This clip establishes the sensuous chemistry of Tridge with Taylor's departing words and kiss.

For Aesthetes: Writers want to acknowledge male beauty too.Taylor says the words that need to be said to Ridge
Take care of that beautiful face


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